Posted inWebdesign

How-To Install Twenty Fifteen for WordPress

This mini guide describes how to install the WordPress Twenty Fifteen theme from the Subversion repository within the shell.

Inside the terminal screen, go to your WordPress installation directory and run the following commands:

cd wp-content/themes/
svn co

Posted inWebdesign

How-To Install WP-CLI on shared hosting

To do this you need SSH/telnet support

Run the following commands in the terminal
cd ~
mkdir wp-cli
cd wp-cli
curl -k -L > wp-cli.phar
echo ‘alias wp=”php ~/wp-cli/wp-cli.phar”‘ >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Posted inComputers

Ubuntu Linux Kernel 3.17 installation guide

This short walkthrough describes how to install the Ubuntu Linux Kernel 3.17 (server and  client) without compiling.

This guide should work with the latest version of Ubuntu Linux and most Ubuntu-based distributions including Mint. The included kernel files have been compiled using the generic Ubuntu configuration. The packages are available for 32 bits systems (I386+) and 64 bits (AMD64)

Installation Guide (GUI)

  1. Download the kernel headers package:
  2. And the appropriate package for your system
  3. And the accompanying compiled kernel image
  4. Install the files in the same order as downloaded above. So first install the headers (2 files) and finally the image (1 file).
  5. In the terminal run:
    sudo update-grub
  6. Reboot and select the kernel from the bootloader menu

I will post the latest version of the 3.16 branch and 3.17 release candidates in comments below.

Posted inGames

Symlinking The Elder Scrolls Online addons

In case your addon updater or other tools are dependent on the live/ directory instead of the European Liveeu/ directory, this trick is for you

cmd.exe – Run as Administrator
cd C:\Users\Ramon\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online
mklink /d live liveeu


Posted inComputers

Security should be silent

I hear and see a lot of people talking about the programs, tools and strategies they use for digital security. For safety you should actually keep this to yourself and tell others on a need-to-know basis. The weakest link in many security things are still humans.

So do me a favor. Stop talking to security software and bank accounts on social media.