Microsoft Office 2016 Pro Plus custom installation

If you – like me – want to have a customized / minimalized installation of Office 2016, read on

The trick is to use Microsoft Office ProPlus Install Toolkit,
At the left bottom choose:  Tools –> Install Toolkit

Download and install the tool, and ofcourse run it

From the start screen of the application, select: Manage your local Office 365 ProPlus installation
Under Products, select 32 or 64 bits and yes/no for Project and Visio
Under download, select current (for latest stable release)
On updates, enable
Under options, enable Display Level
On local, choose install

Disable Microsoft Excel 2013 Animations

To disable animations (causing a little delay) in Microsoft Excel 2013, there are two possiblities.
You could either Disable hardware graphics acceleration, but this I cannot recommend.

The other option is to make a change in the registery. this can easily be done by saving the following in a .reg file

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

Cleaning up your Microsoft Outlook Mailbox / Inbox

It`s a good habit to clean up your computer once in a while. Programs you use on a daily base, like Microsoft Outlook tend to get fullier every day. A periodic Microsoft Outlook cleanup, for the inbox, directories aswel as agenda, task list and contact, brings back speed and harddisk space.

For this task I can recommend Automatic Outlook Duplicate Remover.

The steps are easy, but first make a backup of your Outlook PST file(s).
Next download and run Automatic Outlook Duplicate Remover.
I also recommend it to manually cleanup by following this Microsoft post: Reduce the size of Outlook Data Files (.pst and .ost)

The last step is compression, to squeeze out some extra harddisk space. I used KB289987 for this.

Outlook 2010 backup email accounts


This guide describes how to back up your Microsoft Outlook 2010 email accounts (excluding your emails).

  1. Start > Run > regedit
  2. Locate the following path in your Registry Editor

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\Outlook
  3. Right click the Outlook directory in the left menu en choose Export
  4. Choose the directory where you want to save the data and choose an appropriate filename
  5. Press save and your done

Importing is as sample as 2 clicks!

  1. Open the registry file you saved earlier
  2. Press to accept the registry patch