Using Microsoft Excel on multiple monitors

Open the first file in Excel and drag the window to the monitor where you want to view that file.

Press the Shift Key and click the Excel Taskbar icon to open a second instance of Excel. Position that new window onto the other monitor. Use File/Open to open the second file in that window.

Disable Microsoft Excel 2013 Animations

To disable animations (causing a little delay) in Microsoft Excel 2013, there are two possiblities.
You could either Disable hardware graphics acceleration, but this I cannot recommend.

The other option is to make a change in the registery. this can easily be done by saving the following in a .reg file

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

Excel 2007-2010 for staticians and scientists


When using Microsoft Excel 2007 or 2010 for statistics and scientific purposes I can recommend the following books:

  1. Microsoft® Excel® 2010 Inside Out (ISBN13: 9780735626881)
  2. Microsoft® Excel® 2010: Data Analysis and Business Modeling, Third Edition (ISBN13: 9780735643369)
  3. Microsoft® PowerPivot for Excel® 2010 (ISBN13: 0790145300546)

The first book introduces you from the basics into advanced functions of Excel.

The second book introduces data analysis and modelling tools. The examples are for commercial targets but you should be able to adapt them to your own needs.

The third book teaches you Pivot tables using the PowerPivot Add-in for complex projects.