Solaris 11 – Install Gnome on Text Install

When you`ve got an old server with CD-ROM and therefore cannot install the live edition, or you have another reason to install Gnome on Solaris 11 you should follow my very short guide;

Login onto the console and use the following commands:

sudo pkg install slim_install
sudo svcadm enable gdm

And if you want to run the deskstop:

Solaris 11 Express SAMP installation guide


To install Apache 2.2, PHP 5, MySQL 5.1, Perl 5.8 on Solaris 11 Express just follow these steps:

  1. Install Solaris 11 Express (I won`t provide help with this step)
  2. Start Solaris and login as the main user
  3. Start the terminal, if not done already
  4. su

    (and change the password)
  5. pkg refresh
  6. pkg install amp
  7. svcadm enable apache22
  8. svcadm enable mysql
  9. cd /var/apache2/2.2/htdocs
  10. rm index.html

All PHP files etc can be placed in /var/apache2/2.2/htdocs