Show your power


Type /power to use

alias power {
var %chancounter = 1, %opchans = 0, %power = 0, %totalppl = 0
while (%chancounter <= $chan(0)) {
if ($me isop $chan(%chancounter)) {
set %power %power + $nick($chan(%chancounter),0)
inc %opchans
set %totalppl %totalppl + $nick($chan(%chancounter),0)
inc %chancounter
msg # I'm opped in %opchans $iif($chan(0) >= 2,channels,channel) of the $chan(0) I'm in. I control %power people. That's $round($calc((%power / %totalppl) * 100),1) $+ $chr(37) of %totalppl people.

Simple away script


Type /away to activate and deactivate.

alias away {
if ($1 == $null) {
if ($away) { .raw away | echo -a [ away ] you're back }
else { .raw away :I'm away since $asctime | echo -a [ away ] you're away since $asctime }
else {
.raw away :I'm away ( $+ $1- $+ ) since $asctime | echo -a [ away ] you're away ( $+ $1- $+ ) since $asctime