New Job

Today (31 March 2014) marks the last day I work at my current job. Starting tomorrow I will start with a new job.

During last year I thought a lot about leaving and did a couple of solicitations. This Februari I got an offer and took it. Starting 1 April 2014 I will be working as a laboratory technician on the research department of a big chemical company.

Excel 2007-2010 for staticians and scientists


When using Microsoft Excel 2007 or 2010 for statistics and scientific purposes I can recommend the following books:

  1. Microsoft® Excel® 2010 Inside Out (ISBN13: 9780735626881)
  2. Microsoft® Excel® 2010: Data Analysis and Business Modeling, Third Edition (ISBN13: 9780735643369)
  3. Microsoft® PowerPivot for Excel® 2010 (ISBN13: 0790145300546)

The first book introduces you from the basics into advanced functions of Excel.

The second book introduces data analysis and modelling tools. The examples are for commercial targets but you should be able to adapt them to your own needs.

The third book teaches you Pivot tables using the PowerPivot Add-in for complex projects.

Chemometrics Software


To do chemometrics, you could choose to either build your own software/worksheet or use third-party software. In this post I will tell you about some pros and cons of widely used software and the function requirements.

Techniques used in chemometrics include:

  • Linear Regression (linreg)
  • Non-Linear Regression (polynomial and exponential)
  • Principal components Analysis (PCA)
  • Partial least squares scores (PLS)
  • Experimental design (factorial design)
  • Multivariate Analysis

The software I looked at is expensive, but with cheaper student versions available.

  • Minitab
  • SPSS
  • SAS

For both SPSS and SAS you need extra`s. While there is only one version of Minitab.