Linux Kernel 2.6.38 installation guide for Ubuntu Linux

This short walkthrough describes how to get the latest linux kernel working under Ubuntu Linux without having to compile it yourself.

This tutorial should work with the latest version of Ubuntu Linux (10.04 LTS, 10.10, 11.04) and most distributions based on these versions of Ubuntu Linux like Mint.

The included kernel files have been compiled using the generic ubuntu configuration.
Note: nVIDIA ForceWare drivers are automatically installed using DKMS, if you have these installed and up-to-date.

Installation Guide

  1. Download the kernel headers package;

  2. And the appropriate package for your system

    I386: linux-headers-2.6.38-020638-generic_2.6.38-020638.201103151303_i386.deb

    AMD64: linux-headers-2.6.38-020638-generic_2.6.38-020638.201103151303_amd64.deb
  3. And the accompanying compiled kernel;

    I386: linux-image-2.6.38-020638-generic_2.6.38-020638.201103151303_i386.deb

    AMD64: linux-image-2.6.38-020638-generic_2.6.38-020638.201103151303_amd64.deb
  4. Install the files in the same order (else it won`t work!)
  5. In the terminal run:

    sudo update-grub
  6. Reboot and select the kernel from the bootloader menu

    If it`s not there check all steps (and of course errors)

The source?

33 thoughts on “Linux Kernel 2.6.38 installation guide for Ubuntu Linux

  1. Thanks for good guide.
    Though I didn’t get this kernel working in my Asus laptop, I get erro message when booting “Invalid PBLK length [7]”. Problem with acpi maybe?

  2. Hi Ramon!

    I have done your instructions since updating from 2.6.35 to 2.6.37 to enable compiz in my Sandy Bridge Maverick. It worked flawlessy! Thanks a bunch! 😀 Now I’m updating to 2.6.38-1! Any idea how to remove the old kernel? Since now my GRUB boot screen is full of kernel versions LOL.


  3. So, how do you install these packages and still have proprietary graphics drivers (ATI fglrx in my case)? Mine fail with the 2.6.38 Kernel.

    • Just so you are aware…

      “The requested URL /~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.38.2-natty/ was not found on this server.”

      • I know
        it`s just a matter of time before it goes online
        probabily this morning
        don`t worry
        although it won`t fix your ATI problem

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