Backwards typing script


To use:
/backwards channel/nick Your Text Here

/Backwards {
inc %var.back 1
if (%var.back > $len($2-)) { msg $1 %var.backwards | unset %var.back* | halt }
set %var.back.right $right($2-,%var.back)
set %var.back.left $left(%var.back.right,1)
if (%var.back.left == $chr(32)) { set %var.backwards $addtok(%var.backwards,$chr(32),32) | goto start }
set %var.backwards %var.backwards $+ %var.back.left
goto start



People can order things by typing in a channel:
!order what-you-want

If !order has no product after it then gives a list:

on 1:TEXT:!order:#:{
/msg $chan Ram`s bar, today opened from 9:00 till 23:00. Our full list is send to $nick in private.
/msg $nick Drinks: Capacino, Coffee, Tea, Sprite, Fanta, Fanta Cassis,
/msg $nick and if your above 21 (Yes we`re not for kids) we also have: Beer, Wine, Bacardi (Breezers, Cola)
/msg $nick Snacks: Crisps,
/msg $nick Dinner: Pizza, Fries, Hamburger
/msg $nick Toilet is free to visit. There also a condom automat if needed;-)

on 1:TEXT:!order *:#:/describe $chan gives $nick $2-

MSN Messenger Stats for mIRC


alias MSNstats {
.comopen msn Messenger.UIAutomation
if ($comerr) { return ERR }
var %a = $com(msn,MyStatus,2)
var %b = $com(msn).result
var %a = $com(msn,MyFriendlyName,2)
var %c = $com(msn).result
var %a = $com(msn,MySigninName,2)
var %d = $com(msn).result
var %a = $com(msn,MyServiceName,2)
var %e = $com(msn).result
.comclose msn
if (%b == 1) { var %b = Offline }
elseif (%b == 2) { var %b = Online }
elseif (%b == 6) { var %b = Invisible }
elseif (%b == 10) { var %b = Busy }
elseif (%b == 14) { var %b = Be Right Back }
elseif (%b == 18) { var %b = Idle }
elseif (%b == 34) { var %b = Away }
elseif (%b == 50) { var %b = On the Phone }
elseif (%b == 66) { var %b = Out for Lunch }
if (%b == offline) {
$iif($1 == -e,echo,msg $1) MSN Messenger: Currently Offline! }
else {
$iif($1 == -e,echo,msg $1) MSN Messenger: [Nickname: %c $+ ] [E-mail: %d $+ ] [Service Provider: %e $+ ] [Status: %b $+ ] }

To use type: /msnstats Nick/Channel

How-to install Bash 4.0 in Linux


This guide is for almost every Linux distribution.

Prerequisite is that you have the required build tools installed already.
If not, do the following step:

Debian and Ubuntu users way;

sudo apt-get install build-essential

The Fedora/Red Hat way:

sudo yum groupinstall "Development Tools" "Legacy Software Development"

First step is getting the source package

Next step is compiling and installing it;

tar xf bash-4.0.tar.gz
sudo make install

Linux Kernel 2.6.29 installation guide for Ubuntu and Debian Linux


The Ubuntu kernel guys have released an “official” build of the 2.6.29 Linux Kernel which came out tonight. The .deb files work for both Ubuntu and Debian!  (and outdated, stable and test releases like Ubuntu 9.04 jaunty jackalope.

The included kernel files have been compiled using the generic ubuntu configuration but lack ubuntu specific drivers.  Note: nVIDIA ForceWare drivers are automaticly installed using DKMS (which is included in Ubuntu 8.10)

The files can be found at

Installation Guide

  1. Download
  2. Download your kernel headers package;


  3. Download your kernel compile;


  4. Install the files in the same order as mentions above! (doing step 1 and 2 the other way around isn`t possible!)

    For lazy guys console freaks; dpkg -i *.deb

    (Notice: the console have to be in the same directory as the downloads and no other .deb packages should be there – else they also get installed)
  5. Reboot and select the kernel from the bootloader menu