Communication problems

One of the things I realized  lately is the presence of dozens of communication tools, for instance WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, IRC, Google Talk, Skype, SMS etc. Every platform has its own pros and cons.

I have decided to dump all of these platforms except for Facebook Messenger, Skype and Twitter.

My choice for these 3 platforms is simple:

  • Facebook Messenger has great features and a wide contact list.
  • Skype is the number one for voice communication
  • Twitter is perfect for text-communication with people all over the world, but lacks the addressbook and user amount of Facebook

Half-Year Goal Review (2014)

In post Looking back and ahead (2013) I have set my goals for 2014;

  1. Review books , atleast 1 a quarter
  2. Review other things than books
  3. Make music and release tracks (atleast 6)
  4. Contribute more code on GitHub (quality counts, not lines)
  5. Contribute more translations for WordPress plugins
    Planning: W3 Total Cache, Pods, WooCommerce
  6. Blog more often and improve text quality
  7. Photograph more
    atleast 1 shoot extra apart from festivities
  8. Finish more videogames and buy less new ones

Im falling behind with the first 5 points, by the end of the week im on track with point 7 and already finished points 6 and 8.

Since a lot has changed over the last 6 months it`s time to  change some of the goals and set some new ones:

  • Review atleast 1 book this year
  • Make music and release tracks
  • Contribute more code on GitHub (quality counts, not lines)
  • Contribute more translations for WordPress plugins
  • Photograph more non-festival related things