Posted inComputers

Ubuntu Linux Kernel 3.8 installation guide

This short walkthrough describes how to get the linux kernel version 3.8 (latest at the moment of writing) working under Ubuntu Linux without having to compile it yourself.

This guide should work with the latest version of Ubuntu Linux and most Ubuntu-based distributions including Mint. The included kernel files have been compiled using the generic Ubuntu configuration.

Installation Guide

  1. Download the kernel headers package;
  2. And the appropriate package for your system
  3. And the accompanying compiled kernel image;
  4. Extra files;
  5. Install the files in the same order as downloaded above.
  6. In the terminal run:
    sudo update-grub
  7. Reboot and select the kernel from the bootloader menu

The source can be found on

Posted inWebdesign

Forking WooCommerce on GitHub

First fork WooCommerce to one of your channels through

Use the GitHub client (for Windows or Mac OS X) to sync with a local directory, or clone your repostitory by hand.

Enter the console in the WooCommerce fork directory and run the following commands to add extra sources:
git remote add upstream git://

Merge upstream with the current working directory
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master

And put it all online:
git push origin master

Posted inComputers

Fedora Linux – Ramoonus Edition

This guide describes my customisations done to improve the Fedora Linux to my preferences.

Open the terminal and run:

sudo su
yum localinstall --nogpgcheck -y
rpm -ivh
yum install -y presto wget
yum update
yum install -y AdobeReader_enu dkms java redhat-lsb redhat-lsb-graphics redhat-lsb-printing flash-plugin pidgin google-chrome-stable Firefox 

Posted inWebdesign

My plugins on update

From today on I will not maintain, nor provider updates for the following plugins on

The following plugins will be unavailable from and only on GitHub while under construction:

  • eBay for WordPress

The following plugins will be available as premium plugins in the future:

Posted inComputers

Ubuntu Linux Kernel 3.7 installation guide for ARM

This guide explains how to install the Ubuntu Linux Kernel 3.7.0 on an ARM system using the ArmHardFloatPort.

Installation Guide

  1. Download the kernel headers package;  linux-headers-3.7.0-030700_3.7.0-030700.201212102335_all.deb
  2. And the appropriate package for your system; linux-headers-3.7.0-030700-omap_3.7.0-030700.201212102335_armhf.deb
  3. And the accompanying compiled kernel image; linux-image-3.7.0-030700-omap_3.7.0-030700.201212102335_armhf.deb
  4. Install the files in the same order as above.
  5. In the terminal run:
    sudo update-grub
  6. Reboot and select the kernel from the bootloader menu

The source can be found on